Wednesday 28 November 2018

Ya Mama - Essay

Explain how representations in music videos are chosen to promote the artist(s). Refer to one of the music videos you have studied to support your answer. 

Fatboy Slim - Ya Mama

The representation of the artist through the filming used in the music video is another way in which the representations of Fatboy Slim can project to the audience. In reference to the way the video is filmed, the whole way through the video the filming is kept very basic, using basic camera shots, angles and movements. The purpose of this being that way to keep the portrayal of

The purpose of music videos is to promote the artist to their audience. The representation of Fatboy Slim in the music video Ya Mama is linked to Faboy Slims own music, and the way it makes you feel and act.

In the music video the characters/ actors, are depicted as very simple people. They look to be rednecks/ hillbillies, this is backed up with the state of living and the way they act, including talking and driving. We are presented with shots of the poor and unkempt living conditions at the very beginning of the music video, this further proves the characters is also directly comparable to a uniqueness from Fatboy Slim, who has very abnormal forms of expressing his music with his abstract music videos.

The representation of the artist through the filming used in the music video is another way in which the representations of Fatboy Slim can project to the audience. In reference to the way the video is filmed, the whole way through the video the filming is kept very basic, using basic camera shots, angles and movements. The purpose of this being that way to keep the portrayal of simpleness.

The song revolves round playing music and the way it affects the characters, the representation here is that Fatboy Slim who's music is targeted in the club, the characters in the video are depicting how his music makes people "go crazy". This is further justified with the choreography of the movements when the market characters are "possessed" and dance almost unnaturally. Clearly referring to how Fatboy Slim thinks his own music affects people in the club and on the dance scene.

Fatboy Slim - Ya Mama

To conclude, representations in music videos are chosen by Fatboy Slim to promote himself to the audience. This is apparent in the number of ways in Fatboy Slims music video make links to himself and how he conducts himself. In conjunction to links made to his music genre and type and its affects upon the audience.

Sunday 11 November 2018

Media Terminology

Social Realism
Social realism is the term used for work produced aims to draw attention to the real socio-political conditions of the working class as a means to critique the power structures behind these conditions.

Post Modernism
Post Modernism is a late 20th-century style and concept in the arts. Which represents a departure from modernism and is characterised by the self-conscious use of earlier styles and conventions, a mixing of different artistic styles and media, and a general distrust of theories.

The term Intertextuality refers to the process of creating references to any kind of media text via another media text. In other words, Intertextuality essentially means for a type of media to pay homage to another media text.

The Narrative is the media term for storytelling. The narrative is the way the different elements in a story are organised to make a meaningful story.

In film-making, diegesis is used to name the story depicted on screen, as opposed to the story in real-time that the screen narrative is about. Diegesis may concern elements, such as characters, events, and things within the main or primary narrative.

Ideology is a world view, a system of values, attitudes and beliefs which an individual, group or society holds to be true or important; these are shared by a culture or society about how that society should function.

Oppositional Reading
The term Oppositional Reading means an interpretation that opposite from the interpretation the producer intended.