Tuesday 8 January 2019

Media Key Words

Naturalistic Mise-En-Scene
This consist of the setting, costume, lighting and actors would be derived from or closely imitating real life or nature.

Linear Narrative
A linear narrative is the story in chronological order.

Narrative Disruption
The narrative, which is the story told out of the chronological order


In the video "Unfinished Symphony" by Massive Attack, why would you describe the miss-en-scene as naturalistic? Why would you then describe the mise-en-scene in Fatboy Slim's "Ya Mama" as less naturalistic?

  • In unfinished symphony, the mise-en-scene, referring to the actors, setting, costume and lighting is completely normal, not abstract in any way. The band, unfinished symphony is a very serious band and this is then represented through the video. However, Ya Mama, who's artist is extremely carefree and seems to not care about what shenanigans go on in is music videos. We see his video as non-naturalistic, everything that happens during that video is not what would happen in real life. It is all staged and not natural
In the video "Ya Mama" by Fatboy Slim why would you describe the narrative as linear? Why would you not describe the narrative in "Unfinished Sympathy" by Massive Attack as linear?

  • Ya Mama has a narrative, it is also told in chronological order. The story plays it in a natural order and the way it would normally. This is what is meant by the term "linear". As apposed to this we watch Unfinished Sympathy, and although it plays out naturally there is no real story being told through the scene. We are shown elements of things and aspects of different lives whilst not having a true linear narrative, or story being progressively told throughout the scene.
At what point in "Ya Mama" is there a narrative disruption? Explain the event and how this disrupts the initial equilibrium of the scene.
  • During Ya Mama the narrative disruption occurs very early, at just 38 seconds into the video. We so far have experienced equilibrium as the Red-neck hillbillies ring about there business, painting ornaments, playing the guitar, watching junk food and watching Tom & Jerry. He listens to the music and the narrative is disrupted. They are sent into a crazy state. This does not stop throughout the whole video, affecting the whole of the market and also the price.

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