Wednesday 9 January 2019

Roland Barthes : Semiotics

Roland Gérard Barthes (RB), a French essayist and social and literary critic who wrote about semiotics and influenced many theories. Semiotics is involved with RB's work on the science of symbols. Semiotics, the studying of signs and their meanings. Involves denotations and connotations involved in seeing signs/ symbols.

RB's work is heavily linked to the terms signifier and signified, that comprise what makes up a sign. Signifier's: a symbol, sign, picture, sound or even word. These link with the signified, which is the meaning of the signifier.

RB's work also includes denotations & connotations. Denotations, are the literally and factual meanings of the signifier. Connotations are feelings and opinions based on the denotation. These together, end up creating Myths.

RB theorised Open & Closed texts. Open texts are open to interpretation and can have many different subjective meanings that are individual to the audience. Closed texts are those that are produced with a single, definitive meaning in mind, rendering any interpretation from the audience inaccurate.

RB theorised abut the five codes. The codes included: The symbolic code, the referential code, the semantic code, the hermeneutic/ enigma code and the proairetic/ action.

The symbolic code summarised is taking the meaning for things and finding deeper meanings for them. The referential code summarised is references to texts notions towards external knowledge (historical, factual ect...) The semantic code is the voice of the person. Any further meaning through connotations. The hermeneutic/ enigma code is mystery and slowly clues given to allow clarity or the narrative. The proairetic/ action is the hiding and revealing the story to increase suspension and engagement.

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