Wednesday 6 February 2019

Advert Notes

Semiotic Analysis:

Curtis // Colour
Blades // Brand Identity
Is // Image
Likely // Language 
To // Typography
Lose // Layout 

A // Attention
I // Interest
D // Desire
A // Action

Media Language elements have been selected and combined to create a mix of science, aspiration and passion.

The myth of science is signified by:
  • The use of high-contrast photography using very low light.
  • The use of a cool blue background that matches one of the brand colours.
  • The use of scientific-looking pseudo data diagrams on the right-hand side.
  • The simple, uncluttered and formal layout, framed by the white key line.
  • The explicit claim that something - it is not made clear what - is "scientifically proven".
Aspiration is connoted by:
  • The use of language such as "In a different league" .
  • The use of a celebrity role model with, as suggested by the data about him in the top right corner, a record of sporting achievement.
  • Gareth Bale is posed and lit to emphasise his chiseled features and seriousness.
Passion is connoted by:
  • The use of "Lucozade Yes" as a slogan.
  • The seriousness and direct address of Gareth Bale's pose.
Brand identity is maintained through the use of the complimentary blue and orange colour used in the packaging design and the use (through very small) of the lucozade logo.

Related image

Media language elements have been selected and combined to connote humanity, care and realism.

Humanity and care are signified as follows:
  • The layout of each poster is dominated by a big close-up of a face to focus on the emotion - particularly anxiety - on each face.
  • The main copy, such as "But where will we live?", relates to the individuals depicted, personalising the issues of poverty, debt and rogue landlords.
  • The repetition of "We can help across the campaign connotes care.
Realism is connoted by:
  • The simple layout.
  • The use of plain language in a conversational tone.
  • The use of a no-nonsense capitalised sans-serif font (No curly ends).
  • The casting of unknown people rather than celebrities.
  • The lack of an obvious persuasive technique.
The brand identity is maintained through the use of the shelter house colour (red) and the Shelter logo.

Image result for shelter charity advert

Old Spice
Media language elements have been selected and combined to signify surrealist humour and pleasure.

Surrealist humour is signified through:
  • First, by juxtaposition - surreal combinations such as a man who is wearing a beach, a man having a volcano head, and the beach featuring both peril (an attack by Neptune capsizing a boat, a crab menacing a man buried in the sand) and pleasure.
  • Second, by using a naturalistic, brightly lit style of media language to depict these events.
  • Third, by used of a comically absurd claim in the copy.
Pleasure is signified through the bright and colourful media language and the use of signifiers of pleasure (a woman sunbathes, a fisherman catches a shark, someone discovers a treasure chest in the surf. The pleasure would be conventionally aspirational, as would the us of an attractive ex-American football player, but both are undercut by ludicrous nature of surrealism.

Brand identity is maintained by the use of the Old Spice logo which, in its decorative italic font, contrasts with the no-nonsense sans-serif capitals of the copy, which itself contrasts ironically with the absurd claim the copy makes.

Related image

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